The launch of the 'Miura 1' suspended due to adverse weather conditions

By 31/05/2023 Portal

This morning Spain tried to enter the exclusive ten countries with access to space, but time has prevented it. The company PLD Space, created by engineers Raúl Torres and Raúl Verdú in 2011, when they were 23 and 22 years old, respectively, and with 3,000 euros contributed by them and their families, they had scheduled takeoff of the demonstrator Miura 1, a recoverable rocket that is the basis, or prototype, of the Miura 5, a satellite launcher of up to 540 kilos that is expected to be operational in 2025. The flight wanted to prove that it is possible for Spain to have its own program to transport devices to space to, according to the company and companies in the sector, satisfy a market demand. At 6:40, PLD Space reported “an abnormal behavior in the loading of LOX [liquid oxygen that promotes combustion]”, but the company clarified that this incident was due to a “slow loading” that did not imply the suspension of the launch. However, this was postponed shortly after 8:30 due to adverse weather conditions: the presence of gusts of wind at height above the admissible limits.

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Trayectoria de vuelo prevista del 'Miura 1'