The Journey to the Official Launch of CILAC 2018 has begun

By 30/05/2017 #!30Fri, 09 Jun 2017 15:34:41 +0000Z4130#30Fri, 09 Jun 2017 15:34:41 +0000Z-3+00:003030+00:00x30 09pm30pm-30Fri, 09 Jun 2017 15:34: 41 +0000Z3+ 00:003030+00:00x302017Fri, 09 Jun 2017 15:34:41 +0000343346pmFriday=97#!30Fri, 09 Jun 2017 15:34:41 +0000Z+00:006#June 9th, 2017# !30Fri, 09 Jun 2017 15:34: 41 +0000Z4130#/30Fri, 09 Jun 2017 15:34:41 +0000Z-3+00:003030+00:00x30#!30Fri, 09 Jun 2017 15:34:41 +0000Z+00:006# Latest news

On the 22ndn.d. June 2017, the official launch of CILAC 2018, will take place in Panama City, Panama

ANDis! It's that time already…Panama City is getting ready to host the second edition of the Open Science Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean, CILAC 2018. The official launch ceremony will take place on the 22nd June 2017 in the presence of high-level national , international and regional authorities as well as bringing together leading experts, academia, civil society, multi-lateral organisations, the private sector and governments.

cILAC 2018 is a partnership between a number of important regional and national stakeholders, including the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (SENACYT) of the Republic of Panama, an autonomous institution with a mission to convert and promote science and technology as tools that contributes to the country's development. Science, technology and innovation are the driving forces behind Panama's progress and development. SENACYT, fulfills its commitment to promoting, strengthening and popularizing these three axes of great importance to the country.

TThe forum was established in 2016 by the UNESCO Regional Office for Science for Latin America and the Caribbean in Montevideo, with the support of regional and national stakeholders. CILAC is the hub of sciences for Latin America and the Caribbean, the first ever activity to connect the whole of the region through science, technology and innovation. The forum is a platform for regional stakeholders to come together and offer recommendations for sustainable solutions and mechanisms that support science policies in LAC; in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Qlease find out more about the official launch of CILAC 2018 by visiting our website and following us on @forocilac

Yof you are a journalist and would like to cover the event please contact: Please write PRESS in the e-mail subject.