There may be involuntary orgasms during rape and it is important to record this

By 15/03/2021 portal-3

Pueden existir orgasmos involuntarios durante una violación y es importante consignarlo

In these times when we aspire to take extreme measures to protect women from sexual violence, We cannot give arguments to those who are against. Or at least, we must aspire for their arguments to be solid, convincing, to get us out of error (if we are).

Therefore, it is important to affirm that involuntary orgasms, during rape, can occur, and that does not mean at all that the woman is feeling pleasure, or that she has not resisted enough, or that some kind of dark fantasy consisting of transgressing some taboo is being fulfilled.

forced stimulation

To study the extent to which involuntary orgasms during rape were common, one of the UK's leading experts on the physiology of sexuality, Roy Levin, published in 2004 the largest review of scientific literature on sexual arousal and orgasms in cases of forced or non-consensual stimulation.

This explains some of the conclusions of the review. Pere Estupinyà in his book S=EX2:

After a review of medical examinations of sexually assaulted women, they found that many actually lubricate, blood flow increases in the genitals, they admit to having experienced physical pleasure against their will, they moan with pleasure, and between 4-5 percent of the cases reach have an orgasm.

The existence of orgasms during forced sex of a woman or a girl is a reality. As well as erection and orgasm in men or boys who are raped.

But these automatisms should not make victims feel guilty or regretful. We are talking about involuntary reactions of the body. This occurs because sexual stimulation can also occur through a simple physical process:

This first spontaneous excitation responds to an autonomic mechanism at the subcortical level, which our sophisticated cerebral cortex can then decide to inhibit or enhance. However, there are situations in which the inhibition system can be completely blocked, such as during alcohol intoxication, drug use, or states of deep shock such as that produced by rape.

An orgasm, then, means nothing. It may be something similar to a yawn. That's why, Spontaneous orgasms can occur during sleep, or while practicing certain physical exercises.

Something similar also happens with lubrication, since lubrication plays an important role in it. sympathetic nervous system (SNS):

Laboratory studies have shown that stress, fear, pain or repulsion usually decrease the sexual response, but that on rare occasions they interfere with the SNS and generate the opposite effect: they increase blood flow to the genitals and, therefore, lubrication. In these cases, the stress of rape would not only not be an impediment for the genitals to react, but could even be an aid triggered by a completely involuntary automatic reaction.

The news

There may be involuntary orgasms during rape and it is important to record this

was originally published in

Xataka Science

Sergio Parra
