For the first time in history, ministers, various authorities, young people, scientists, journalists and science leaders from the region will arrive in Colombia to advance the construction of public policies on science, technology and innovation. Until March 31, 2024, interested parties can propose an activity to integrate the Forum program.
After the 2021 edition of the CILAC Forum, which attracted more than 7 thousand participants, the fourth edition of the Latin American and Caribbean Open Science Forum arrives in Colombia, which will take place in San Andrés Isla in October 2024.
CILAC, recognized as the regional space for science, technology and innovation, is positioned as an essential platform to debate, plan and monitor effective policies with the goal of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. With the motto « Science that dialogues", this fourth edition will be consolidated as a crucial space where governments, universities, companies, researchers, civil society and the media will be able to debate, plan and monitor the integration of science, technology and innovation for sustainable development in America Latin and the Caribbean.
The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Yesenia Olaya Requene noted: “Colombia is proud to be the host of this prestigious international meeting that will advance the construction of public policy that consolidates the region as the spearhead of scientific and technological development”.
The new edition of the Forum, #CILAC2024, will take place from October 21 to 23, 2024 in San Andrés Island. This international meeting will be framed in 5 key themes, of great relevance for Latin America and the Caribbean: the Decade of the Oceans (how to save and protect the oceans through science and research), the role of open science to reduce gaps, the role of artificial intelligence for environmental sustainability, as well as the new economy of space and the role of science for the protection of life .
Given its characteristic of being an open and participatory forum, CILAC invites interested parties to propose a thematic session or parallel event to integrate the Forum program. This call is open from November 22, 2023, until March 31, 2024 in
In this graphic, you can learn more information about the call:
For questions about the organization of the CILAC Forum, contact
CILAC is an initiative created and led by UNESCO Montevideo, with the IDB, SEGIB, OEI, RICYT, AUGM and CUIB as regional partners. For its fourth edition, it has the support of the Government of Colombia.