The study of the atom through the ages is, in a way, a journey through the invisible world that underlies the reality of time.
Scientists like Newton or Einstein are attributed words and formulas that were never expressed by them.
With his work, the Irish doctor Hans Sloane made the therapeutic effects of kola nut known to the Western world. He also had the happy idea of making the milk chocolate mixture known.
The psychiatrist Rafael Llopis knew that the horror story healed open wounds in the unconscious, thus freeing them from mental illness.
A phenomenon that is due to the relationship between the Sun and the Earth based on the position of the center of the Sun below the horizon
Philosophy should not be left out of the study plans because it is the basis for developing the vocation of students awake to scientific interest.
Feynman teaches us that atomic theory is as simple to understand as is the relationship between temperature and movement of atoms when they have formed molecules.
Before immersing himself in the world of publishing, he obtained a doctorate in Physical Sciences in Rome, taking part in the discovery of the antiparticle named Sigma+
Power relations in a given context are not exclusive to human beings. Frans de Waal tells it in his recently published book
The writer from Providence was truly curious about the possible existence of life on other planets. His love of astronomy led him to write controversial letters to newspaper editors of the time.