The first human organ created inside an animal opens the door to manufacturing 'spare parts' for people

By 07/09/2023 Portal

The image is historical. A team of Chinese scientists and the Spanish doctor Miguel Ángel Esteban For the first time, they have managed to generate an outline of a human organ in another animal. The experiment, carried out with humanized kidneys in pig embryos, represents a leap towards the still distant dream of using other mammals as an inexhaustible source of organs for transplants. These hybrid organisms – called chimeras after the mythological monster with the head of a lion, the belly of a goat and the tail of a dragon – still raise monumental ethical dilemmas.

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El médico español Miguel Ángel Esteban (derecha) y su colega chino Liangxue Lai, en el Instituto de Biomedicina y Salud de Guangzhou.Un embrión porcino de 28 días, con un esbozo de riñón humano. Foto cedida por GIBH.