Can physical activity regenerate neurons?

Can physical activity regenerate neurons?

Can physical activity regenerate neurons?

Whether neurogenesis occurs or not, exercise can improve the brain


Whether neurogenesis occurs or not, exercise can improve the brain


There is some controversy on this matter. Classically, and due to animal studies, which is mainly where this hypothesis has been tested, it was believed that in the young brain, from 0 to 2 years old, there was the possibility of neuronal regeneration, that is, that what is known as neurogenesis would occur. , the appearance of new neurons. But in subsequent, much more recent studies, some of them in humans and especially in older adults, it has been seen that the exercise does not produce neurogenesis. Although it is very important for me to clarify one thing, regardless of whether neurogenesis occurs or not, exercise can improve the brain. Whats the matter, then? Neurogenesis is not the only process by which cognitive function can increase. There are other processes that are very important and in which exercise could produce changes. One of them is what we call synaptogenesis, which is the creation of synapses, that is, new connections between neurons, and another is angiogenesis, the increase in capillary density and blood flow in the brain.

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